Refurbishment and extension of 1850s house on Raasay
Refurbishment and extension of 1850s house on Raasay
Roof bedroom
Refurbishment and extension of 1850s house on Raasay
House in Oscaig
The design creates a 21st century living space which allows open plan living, dining, play and contemplation. It maximises the extensive views to the south in a low impact way whilst also providing privacy and shelter. The key to the proposals is maintaining the existing house at the heart of the proposals with the massive existing stone walls being an almost constant reference.
The proposed extension creates an abstracted ‘L’ shape that provides external shelter from prevailing winds. Internally this area predominately forms an open plan family living/dining/contemplation area which opens to the garden creating a physical link as well as a visual link to the wider landscape. This space also acts as ‘buffer’ between the outside and the more solid interior of the house and imagines a process of ‘retreat’ from wild (landscape, weather) to light protection (extensive views, glazing) to enclosed (heart & hearth).
Whilst the south glazing allows light to flood the plan this is controlled in summer months by a significant external over hang. There is green roof seeded with local vegetation which helps provide levels of insulation in excess of current building regulations.
The extension of the property is designed to maintain the hierarchy of the house with subservient (lower) extensions being the norm in this area.
Externally the new additions to the property are clad in Larch A new external stone wall acts as a marker for the entrance, a connection the landscape and a bond with the interior is constructed from local stone.
Private House
Isle of Raasay